May 31, 2010 @ 10:05 PM

The Perfect Landscaping Tree

There is no better way to spruce up a new home, or an old one for that matter, than to use a landscaping tree or two. These trees can add so much to your home, in fact they can even add to the value of your home for when it comes time to sell. There are many different kinds of tree for you to use when you are in need of a landscaping tree and the choice is all yours.

The best place for you to find out what kind of landscaping tree you should be using is the internet. Online you will be able to find out everything that you need to know about every kind of landscaping tree that there is on the market. Everyone will have a different taste in landscaping tree and that is why it is so important for you to find out what yours actually is. If you do not take a look at all the landscaping trees that are out there, who will you know which one is the right landscaping tree for you?

The kind of landscaping tree that you will choose will have something to do with where it is that you live. Some trees do not do well in certain places and certain climates. You will have to make sure that the landscaping tree that you choose can grow and flourish where you live. There is no point in spending money on a few landscaping trees only to find out that it is going to die in just a couple of months. So ask the seller and do some of your own research to find out just what you should be getting for your yard.

Trees matter to the look of your home. It is with trees that you will be able to give your home a pretty garden feel and lets fact it, trees are much easier to deal with than flowers and other plants. There is practically no maintenance for most trees. It will not be hard for you to find a great landscaping tree that will require very little work.

The Mimosa tree makes for a wonderful landscaping tree because it is so gorgeous and lovely. The foliage on this gorgeous tree is like fern in its delicacy. It will make any home instantly more beautiful with its addition and they are deciduous. This is a perfect landscaping tree for any home including yours.


May 30, 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Landscape Gardening - 8 Tips to Wow Your Neighbours

1. Planning your landscape is like painting a picture on canvas. Just like your art teacher in high school told you – have a main point of interest and add several sub points to make your beautiful landscape more interesting. You imagine it in your mind, draw sketches and fill in all the details that you’ve dreamed of. Keep revising your sketch until it looks like the picture you have in mind.

Image by Chromium / CC by Attribution 3.0

2. Not feeling very artistic? If you’re a more ‘concrete’ person, try laying out garden hoses or heavy string in your yard to get a feel for how and where you want to divide up your space. Remember to think balance, not symmetry. Some people think that they have to plant trees and flowers in straight, boring rows. Tip: pick an odd number when planting trees or flowers. With flowers, plant several of the same plant in groups to make a large color splash. Better to have a few, well chosen, bold splashes of color than to have tiny spots of color spread all over a large area.

3. If you’re having a hard time thinking of what your chief point of interest can be, close your eyes and think about what you like most about your yard. Is there a tall, solo pine tree, a grouping of birch trees, a rocky ledge, an old weathered fence or something else that catches your eye? If you can’t find something of interest that’s already in place, think about adding something that you admire from a picture in a magazine or something that caught your eye when you were driving through a beautiful neighborhood. Tip: do NOT copy something that your next door neighbor is doing. They won’t appreciate it and it won’t look nearly as special if both of you are going for the same effect.

4. Still can’t think of a chief point of interest? What about creating a spot for a water fall? Not a pond – that’s old news! With a re-cycling water fall, you don’t have to worry about standing pond water or algae. Just pick some interesting rocks or boulders of varying sizes, arrange them to cascade down a slope, add plants and water. Viola! Or, how about a rock path winding through your yard? Or a rock wall of native stone to create interest?

5. If you choose a tree or group of trees to be your main point of interest, don’t center them in your yard. It’s far more interesting to place them a bit off center. Don’t choose a huge, overpowering tree; the tree should have a good shape, with something interesting about its bark, leaves, seed pods, flowers or fruit. Tip: while the poplar is a striking tree and a rapid grower, it sheds its leaves early and so is left standing with bare branches in early fall. The poplar makes a better choice for a backyard tree or when creating a dividing space between your yard and your neighbors. Good choices for trees are the mountain ash with bright berries, the brilliant leaves of the sugar maple or the bark of the white birch, which all add interest to your total landscape.

6. It is always best to choose trees and shrubs that thrive in your local climate. It’s tempting to choose something exotic out of a catalog but you’ll be unhappy if the tree you choose is not right for your climate. Trees are a big investment, choose wisely.

7. Flowering vines can also be used to create interest. Whether you choose an ivy to climb the bricks on your house or a trumpet vine to wind around an old weathered fence along side your house, both can be used as sub points to accent your main point of interest. Tip: perennial vines can be used to form a permanent addition to your landscape scheme. The Virginia creeper, wisteria, honeysuckle, a climbing rose or clematis all make excellent choices for creating interest and can be used to minimize minor imperfections in walls.

8. And for a final flair, add a colorful flag to your landscape design. Whether you choose a whimsical, garden flag or a majestic, patriotic American Flag, both will create interest and add color to your landscape. Tip: choose polyester for greatest durability of a flag that is flown daily. Choose nylon flags for flying in the lightest breeze. There are several new, flag hanger styles available if you don’t already have a flag pole in your yard. The spinning flagpole mounts on your house, deck or mailbox post, and is designed to keep your flag from wrapping. And the telescoping flagpole easily extends up to 20 feet in seconds or down to 7 feet for portability.


May 29, 2010 @ 10:05 PM

3 Tips in Landscaping your Garden

Landscaping is usually a fairly big task, consuming much time and energy. But before you hire that professional, here are some tips that could save both time and money.

1. Spend some time thinking about exactly how you want the final design to be. You need to take account of the style and function of your landscape. Do you want to include an area for entertaining? A barbeque? Is there to be an area for children to play, a fishpond or a swimming pool? An idea of the plants you want to be there will also help. Focus on the area where you spend most of your time. That’s a good place to start.

2. Think twice before hiring a pro. An independent designer might cost you hundreds of dollars when you may be able to access free plans on the internet or at a nursery. But if you have an awkward block such as very steep ground, a pro might give you the expertise to save costly mistakes.

3. The style of your home must be taken into account. If you have a rural cottage, formal gardens surrounding it will look out of place. Think also about your lifestyle. Do you want to spend hours caring for many beds of annuals or pruning beds of roses? If so, go ahead and plant them, but if you’d rather spend your free time at the beach, then go for an easy-care garden and landscape.

Image by Jose Oquendo / CC by Attribution 3.0

Here are the various landscape styles you can choose for your own garden:

a. Formal. This style uses lots of straight lines and perfect geometrical shapes. Orderly arrangement of plants instead of random positioning is employed. Close arrangement and pruning is seen on many landscaped gardens with this style.

b. Informal. This kind of landscaping workds well with cosy cottages. Beds with curved edges instead of straight lines and random placement of plants suit this landscape style.

c. English Garden. This style emphasizes the harmony between the house’s architecture and the garden.

d. Formal/Informal Garden. This style often comes with a brick walkway that exudes formality. This walkway leads to the rear with a circle of plants. The arrangement of plants resembles the English garden style but it has no formal borders.

e. Oriental. It is often the kind of garden found in small backyards. It uses rocks, evergreens and water. A wide variety of plants create several interesting angles with this style.


May 28, 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Layering Garden Landscaping

Could your home do with a little more garden landscaping? Probably so, and that is a good thing. In fact you should be very excited about it because there is nothing more fun than garden landscaping, it will get your imagination working overtime and you will have a ball planting and rearranging your plants and flowers.

By layering your garden landscaping beds you will be able to add a whole other level of beauty to your landscaping design. Your yard is the first thing that people will see when they come to your house and giving a grand tour that includes a fabulous garden is always fun and exciting. You will be the talk of the neighborhood, and for all the right reasons this time, when you do some really good garden landscaping.

Layering your garden landscaping design is easy to do. You need to know the flowers that you are going to plant first however. The choices that you make as far as the flowers and other plants will affect just how your garden landscaping is laid out. For example you do not want to have the taller plants in front of the shorter ones. This is obvious but you should still make a rough sketch of where you want things laud out for your garden landscaping before you begin. This will help you to keep thins as simple as possible. Your garden landscaping will go a lot faster this way and you will run into fewer problems as you go.

When layering you should have about three layers. Your back row should face north, if it can, and the back row should have the tallest plants and as the rows descend so should the heights of the plants and flowers. The trick of this kind of garden landscaping is that oftentimes the plants we buy are baby plants. So you will need to talk to those working at your local gardening store about how large the plants will grow to be. This is key to successful garden landscaping. If the front or middle row of your garden landscaping design is going to grow much higher than the last row, then you will have to do some rearranging.

The layering affect of your garden landscaping design will add depth and make your garden much more interesting to look at. This is what will make your garden landscaping a success.


May 27, 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Landscaping Tips: 6 Basic Steps To Building A Garden Pond

Building a garden pond is not just a matter of digging a hole, lining it with plastic and filling it with water. There are other considerations such as whether it should contain fish or just plants; how big or small it should be; its shape, and so on. Be prepared to dig a decent hole and spend many hours complaining about your aching back … but you’ll be very pleased with the results and you can happily stand around, beer in hand, praising your efforts after the fact. For those who have done it, building a garden pond can be a very satisfying project indeed.

Image by Wonderlane / CC by Attribution 3.0

Step 1 – Decide on where to build your pond.

Naturally, level ground would be best or else you’ll spend far more time and effort doing the levelling yourself. Building a garden pond under a tree is unwise as the roots will continue to grow and could encroach upon the pond’s territory in the future. The shade of the tree will also mean a lack of sunlight, which is essential to your pond’s survival. Since you will need electricity for the pump, proximity to an outlet is important.

Step 2 – Prefabricated or do-it-yourself liner?

Prefabs are the more expensive option but you pay for ease of installation, durability and low maintenance. Liners are available in different price ranges and generally speaking, the more you pay, the longer your liner will last.

Step 3 – Installation

For a prefab pond, tip it upside down on the area you’ve reserved, mark it out with 6 to 8 inches extra around the outside and start digging. If using liners, measure your outline keeping in mind the size of the liner you will be using. Building a garden pond that will last for years means that all debris should be removed from the cavity to avoid punctures to the bottom of the pond. Once the hole is the required depth and size, add the prefab or lay the lining. Fill to about one quarter capacity with water so that the weight will keep the pond in place as you refill the gaps with soil.

Step 4 – Decoration

You can now add plants, rocks, bark and stone around the ‘banks’ of the pond for a more natural appearance. If you intend to add fish, plants that overhang into the water will be useful as shade and hiding spots.

Step 5 – Add aquatic plants

If you’re building a garden pond that doesn’t have a pump, you should aim for plenty of plant life to keep algae growth under control.

Step 6 – Install a pump and filter

There are dozens of models on the market and your retailer will be able to help you decide which size is best for your pond. Read the instructions and follow carefully, but it’s generally a simple task to place the pump in the water and connect the hose to it. The filter needs to be positioned in front of the pump to encourage water through the filter first. Building a garden pond and outfitting it should take little more than a weekend, which is one of the things that makes it so rewarding.


Container Gardening Tips For New Gardeners

Container gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. Not only is it relaxing and enjoyable, but you get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re growing your own plants and you know where they came from! With more and more stories on the news about various outbreaks of food poisoning from things like lettuce and green onions, many people are finding it important to start growing as much of their own produce as possible.

Many people are afraid to deal with container gardening. They think it is too difficult or too expensive. On the contrary, it is actually very easy and can be quite inexpensive! Here we explore the ease of setting up your first container garden, as well as the expenses involved.

We’re going to walk you through the process of setting up your first container garden. In this example, we will be growing some basil.

Step One: Purchase your container gardening supples. You will need the following items for this example. Three plastic pots with drainage holes in the bottom, preferably with trays underneath to catch soil and water drainage, about 5-6 inches in diameter, and 5-6 inches deep, one packet of basil seeds, one small bag of organic compost, one small bag of peat moss, one small garden trowel, one small watering can or clean spray bottle, and one very sunny windowsill (or a florescent or halogen grow light if no sunny window is available.) The total cost for these materials will be somewhere around $20 or less if you have a sunny windowsill. If you need a grow light, that will cost an additional $15-$20.

Step Two: Prepare the soil. Mix together 1 part peat moss with 5 parts compost. (For every one trowel full of peat moss, put in 5 trowels full of compost.) Fill the three pots up to about ½ inch from the top with this mixture.

Step Three: Plant the seeds. Simply make a hole about 1 inch deep in the center of each pot with your finger. Put about three seeds into each hole. Then cover the seeds with soil. Water lightly and place in the windowsill or under a grow light. Once the seeds sprout and reach about 2 inches in height, remove any extra sprouts so that you only have one plant in each pot.

Step Four: In order to care for your plants, all you need to do is water them regularly and keep them maintained. Check the soil daily for moisture. Whenever the soil feels dry, water lightly. To maintain the bushy growth, pinch off the tops of each stem every couple of weeks and remove any flower stalks as soon as you see them growing.

That’s it! It’s really that simple to start a container garden. In this example, we planted basil, but you can apply this method to practically any herb, small vegetable, or flower, with only minor modifications.


May 26, 2010 @ 8:55 PM

Lawn and Garden - Simple Tips For Success

The lawn or the garden in a residential place or even in a commercial place produces either good or bad ambiance. A beautiful lawn or garden can provide relaxation to the people, especially when it comes with a craftily made landscape. A lovely and healthy garden can resist the destruction from injurious weeds, pests and illnesses, and is truly beneficial to the surroundings. There is no such thing as lasting fast-fix lawn or garden problems using the pesticides. Creating a delightful and well-fit lawn or garden must be planned, done and maintained with utmost care and dedication.

Image by Umair Ehmad / CC by Attribution 3.0

There are things or factors to be considered in making a wonderful lawn or garden. There is a need to develop a fertile soil having the suitable acidity balance, nutrients and appropriate texture. Utilize the type of grass that suits the growing conditions, and weather or atmosphere in your place. If for an instance, your place is rainy in most days of the year, it will be beneficial to plant the type of grass that needs lots of water. Also, you have to take note that a thicker lawn will help to outdo the weeds. Healthy lawn with longer grasses, approximately three inches, can give the weeds difficult time to root and grow as well as only a little pest turmoil. Longer grass has tough roots and can hold the water better. Water your lawn or garden in the morning, probably from six to nine AM and preferably in short time duration so the soil will be able to absorb the water. Proper thickness of thatch grown in the grass must be observed so as not to hinder the water and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. Never over use inorganic fertilizer because it can produce very thick layers of thatch, and be aware of the types of grasses that are prone to thatch growth. Pesticides must be used according to the instructions label.

After mowing the lawn, let some of the grass trimmings remain for they will be absorbed as nutrients to the soil. Also allow your lawn to breathe by taking out small amounts of soil once a year. This will aerate the roots of the grass.

When using the lawnmower be sure that the container of gasoline does not have any leak. Such containers can also exude hydrocarbons, which are hazardous to the environment. You have to use the proper containers. Fuel the equipment in a concrete or asphalt area and utilize a funnel in order to avoid spillage or splashing of gasoline to the lawn and to the equipment itself. Find a well-ventilated area where you can perform the fueling in order to diffuse the vapors. Keep the gasoline in a properly sealed container and in a cool and dry area. Do not place it under direct sunlight and do not place it on top of a cabinet or in the trunk of a vehicle to avoid falling and spillage. Make sure that the gasoline will not spill on the ground or close to the wells. Dispose of it properly and if necessary ask for some assistance from the disposal unit of your town. Responsibility as to the environment must always be given attention while trying to maintain a lawn or garden.

Fencing your lawn or garden is also an important part of the picture. It does not only prevent strangers from entering your yard but it also adds an accent to your overall landscape. There are many different types of fences that you could choose from such as chain link fences, split rail fence or a white picket fence.

Another good idea to liven up your yard is to develop some garden fountain or a small pond. The sound of falling water is very calming and gives a serene feeling that’s why ponds and mini water falls are getting popular nowadays.

Keeping the lawn or garden beautiful and healthy is an enjoyable and relaxing task, and the end product is worth all the efforts, time, and money spent to it.


Tips For Spring Gardening

It happens every year. One day it’s blustery, bleak, and cold, and the next it’s warm and sunny. You want to begin spring gardening, but you didn’t prepare like you should have. What do you do? It’s easy. Spring gardening can be a fun and relaxing activity, especially if it’s done correctly. By following these simple tips, you will make the most out of spring gardening. The first step to spring gardening is sharpening your tools. Go early and have all your tools, such as shovels, hoes, and pruning shears sharpened to a fine edge.

You may even want to splurge on buying a second, well-sharpened blade for your lawnmower. That way you will have a spare if the one currently on your lawnmower needs to be taken to be sharpened. A sharp mower blade is very important is you want to have a beautiful lawn. Dull blades can injure your grass and allow disease to creep in, which can be costly in the long run to correct.

If you plan to put in a new lawn or plant bed, or if you had problems getting things to grow properly last year, you may want to call for soil testing. A soil test will tell you exactly what type of fertilizers and/or soil conditioners are needed to assure your yard looks the best it can.

A very helpful tip for spring gardening, especially if you need a little help getting your yard into shape, is contacting landscaping professionals early. The later in the season you call, the better your chances are of having to be put on a waiting list.

You may also want to make arrangements early to buy sod or for sod delivery if you plan to put in a new lawn. You should choose only moist rolls. Any that have dry roots or yellowed turf are no good. Keeping a journal is a great way to keep track of plants during spring gardening. You can write down what was a success last year, what was a failure, and what plants should be moved with the change of seasons. It will not only prove useful this year, but also next year when you may not remember all of the small details.

A definite must is throwing away any outdated chemicals. Following the instructions are the label are easy. Also check to make sure those you are keeping are stored where children and pets cannot get to them. Tilling the soil where you plan to begin your spring gardening is important. Your soil should contain no ice crystals. Handfuls of the soil should easily crumble. When should you begin planting? This frequently asked question can easily be answered. Weather, soil conditions, and what you are going to plant are the answers.

Lastly, while engaging in spring gardening you have to remember to prune. Since, for some plants, the flowers that will come up next year have set within 10 days of the end of a bloom, timing is very important.

Now that you know what to do, your spring gardening won’t be so much of a chore, but more of a pleasure.


Amazing Tips to Make Your Own Garden

A look at Plants and the colorful flowers on it at the garden or backyard calls for creativity. The plants to live for a long time require beautiful planter boxes with concrete structure or wooden structure. Planter boxes are available in different styles and shapes and colors. Planter box is a functional exterior décor that adores the patio. Planter boxes are portable. Different kinds of materials are used to make Planter boxes such as terra cotta, plastic, teak or cedar wood and concrete blocks. Planter boxes can be filled with beautiful flowers according to the choice of individual. Planter boxes help to make the patio as paradise.

Even people who do not have much space for a vast garden can create small flower garden or vegetable garden in the balcony area or roof top with the help of planter boxes. Small trees can also be raised in planter boxes to keep them indoor. Recycled plastic is also used to make planter boxes.

So, if you live in the city and think that it is impossible to bring a little green into your outdoor space that is made of concrete, think again. All you have to do is purchase some lovely planter boxes. An ideal option for planting almost anything, they are exactly what you have been looking for and would be a wonderful addition to any outdoor area. Remember, that includes that twelfth story balcony.

When choosing the planter boxes, the principal of feng shui i.e., simplicity must be kept in mind. Planter boxes made up of natural materials like terra cotta or wood is better than plastic material. These add good appearance to the garden or patio.

The boring front porch area can be converted into a beautiful place by placing planter boxes with bunch of flowers. Planter boxes made up of redwood or cedar will please anybody in the porch area. These planter boxes are very strong and durable Planter boxes are available in rectangle, hexagon and square shapes also. Planter Boxes provide safety, beauty and security to the street or entrance and can also serve as safety barriers. There is also drainage facility inside the planter box. Road side lawns, parks, corporate lawns also use planter boxes. Planter boxes are also used indoor and outdoor for waste water management.

In many countries separate programs are charted for beautifying the cities by using planter boxes filled with beautiful plants and small trees around the cities. Planter boxes are the best way to display the beautiful flowers and plants and create interest among who visit the garden.

Planter boxes made up of teak or cedar wood is an ideal investment for a long time. Wooden planter boxes is perfect fit to all weather and act as insulators and also protects the plants from winter and summer. Wooden planter boxes painted or varnished with natural colors appears fantastic. Wooden Planter boxes definitely makes the porch area very decorative and attracts those who walk through the area.

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